All Media and Music by "Outside The Shadow" All Rights Reserved 2023

Rob Mathiasch


It all started with me strumming my mother's 1969 Silvertone 319 acoustic in the late 70' s.

 45's and 33's echoed throughout the house. So I was exposed to all types of music. Many moons later. In my teens I joined a band and really from there it exploded.

Big Gigs/supporting national acts/studio work etc. Now loving life Here in the Sonoran Desert were Tommy and I met originally. from here it's about what we want to write, and say, fuck critics, and the norm, but do I hope you listen? sure! it's all about the creative process and the payoff.

Who was your first guitar hero?

Really was Stephen Stills. ACE, Then EVH. Then George Lynch.

Age you bought your 1st guitar?

Umm 10.

Lessons or self taught?

Self..a.few lessons, did nothing, was born with a great ear. Easier on my own.

1st amp.

1979 Traynor 2 x 10 combo.

Age when you had your 1st band?

1st band 14 I think?

Age when you KNEW you were going to be a musician.

17.... I knew I had something to offer, knew I'd be doing it my whole life.

1st guitar brand.

KRAMER STRIKER was 1st. Legit rock guitar.

Bought it for 70 bucks....later smashed it after being frustrated about my


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